Tuesday, June 01, 2004

:: Kindly

why is the world changing this way? ... where are we headed?
there's so much confusion with the many mixed up feelings n emotions in the air... and so much anger. i can feel the tension in the
street, like when I go to the store and when I ride the train.... was it the innocence of a child that didn't let me see these things before?, or have things really changed that much! .. hhmmm.
nowadays people hate just because. kindness isn't something you see everyday anymore - so when i see a good-hearted stranger doing a good deed it kinda makes my day! -> it's so sad. i see more people being disrespectful and unkind than nice. is everyone aware that it doesnt have to be this way? it doesn't look like it ... things can be better. we should be kind to one another.
the new millennium started on a bad note, with 9-11 tragedy. this left the country sad and bitter. Now the war and all the lies tied to it, the public is hurt and fragile. the reaction of the people is obviously not going to be so friendly .. I understand that ... (it's like if 2 children are playing and one takes the other's toy to play with it. of course the other child will be upset and most likely will react against the child that took the toy) ... plus with everything else that's currently happening is very hard to keep it together and smile. i know, i also live in this city. i also lived thru it.- but what if we were to act friendly with eachother ... wouldn't it be nice? isn't is worth a chance? we don't have to so mean and rude; i mean there are people out there doing really great things! bless them. but we need more to join us and try 'nice' for a change. "Life Is Change. Growth Is Optional" which means is all in our hands. let's at least not be so bitter amongst us!
>< ..
and then, of course there's the media. this is a big reason why the community is having trouble moving on. 95% of what's on tv is junk; instead of helping the nation. even the news are a joke! how can they discuss the launch of "the newest flat screen tv" just after showing shocking, horrifying images of soldiers killing eachother, destroying eachother in the most cruel ways!! >> what are we doing??
and what's the deal with all these reality tv shows?? havent we had enough?! if only a few years ago someone would've said something about a reality show where people sign up to do these gross, ridiculous, crazy things on tv, would've been classified as unethical or 'something that can only happen in the movies'... so what happened? have we forgotten about our morals, our principles? And how can people sit thru these shows? ... {it is all part of a master plan} and it is the media's job to keep the masses entertained so we dont see what's really going on.
people and technology .. a strange combination ... first everybody's complaint was that with the advances in technology eventually
we'd have no privacy left ... but yet you find tons of personal pictures and family party pictures online, everybody wants the latest phone with/camera and Everybody wants to be on survivor ...are these people for real?? can't they see? ... the media takes care of making sure we feed off their "programs" .... programs, like when u program a machine.
it isnt hard to see .. you just gotta take a sec n sit back. open your eyes. u'll c it nice n clear. there's always a pattern left behind.
lets not be blind anymore.

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