Friday, March 18, 2005

:: Inspiration & Enlightenment Spell

Materials required:
. a bunch of Marygolds
. small jug of water (rainwater preferably)
. vase

To achieve the best results perform the spell on a Waxing Moon, it is the ideal time to do magic to draw things to you. ;)
Connect with Nature. Hold the flowers and feel their earthly presence. Look at the beautiful color of the petals and smell the fragrant scent they give off. Pour the water into the vase and place the flowers in the water. As you energize the flowers with the water, visualize yourself also becoming energized and enlightened. Repeat the rhyme:

"Illuminated Masters, who have lived before,
guide me to your sunlit shore.
Give me wisdom, truth and light,
banish shadows from Earth's night
Beauty, music, poems of joy
all these arts and powers employ.
Fill my soul with ecstasy,
communicate your all to me.
Grant me gifts I beg of you
that all on earth may come to view.
Inventions, songs and ideas that are great
I ask of you these gifts with faith.
Knowing you shall always bless
my life with good and happiness."

Place the flowers in a prominent place in your house. If you feel the need of inspiration or enlightenment reconnect with the flowers by holding them, touching their soft petals and breathing in their scent.

Spell taken from Children of Artemis

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