Sunday, February 13, 2005

:: Healing with the angels

----------> email me for more information

"call them angels or guardian angels, spirit guides, whitelighters, etc., they are by our side to help."

is there someone trully there, next to us, watching over us? or r we in this journey alone? do u really believe there is an energy assigned just for you? .. well believe it and keep it in mind.
there are energies surrounding us all the time. they each have their reasons for visiting us, but they are there.
some of these energies are our guides. you know that voice in your mind that tells u when you rock! and when you suck!? :P ... thats it, and with love and practice you can hear a lot more!
there are many ways to communicate with our angels.
talk to your guides, afterall aside from being that they are also our friends; create a relationship with them, get to know them and let them get to know you and you will notice the improvement in your life. we can release our fears, our worries and our sadness to them, and share our happiness aswell, of course!
>> you already know this, just have to remember ;)
in moments of confusion, when negativity blinds us and the mundane worries block our view, we forget how much it helps talking to them.
eventhough some people 'think' they're convinced there's nothing watching over them, they are there. there ARE angels by our side waiting for us to call for their assistance. that is what they are here to do, to assist us, to guide us, to give us their advise when we need it. and they wil always be there, no matter what. they dont get mad or offended, they are beyond those emotions. they love us.
Mother God doesnt want us to suffer.. thats not part of the plan. thats why she sends special loving energies to "keep us company" during our life journey, to be our friends and help us thru the rough times. this is where many dont believe, b'cus they say "well i have many problems and where are my angels?" ... the trick is to ask. if you dont ask they cant help, its that simple. its important that we understand this as it is key to the relationship between us and our guides.
they have the power to help us in any area of our lives, but we must ask them for help, otherwise they cannot intervene.. i've heard people say "hey but i ask for things all the time and still dont get anything!" - well, if you're gonna ask make sure you're asking the angels and not just talking out to the air. make sure your petition is aimed correctly, as well as your intention. we all like to be addressed by our names and with respect, right? well, the same applies to all. :)
listening is another important factor.
after you communicate with them, they will most likely have something to say, so wait silently to receive any messages they may have for you.

they are here to help us not complicate our lives, so we can ask them for anything we need. they want to make sure we fulfill our mission in life, this is why they CAN and WANT to help us with mundane problems, so that we dont get distracted away from our path.


"Manifestation can also be achieved through conscious, focused prayer and targeted meditation because all that we create for ourselves was first created in thought form, as pure energy. But be sure to remain open. If it feels as if a part of your core value eludes you, it may be that you're unconsciously resisting it. You must always allow yourself to receive the abundance, love, and happiness that was meant for you."

The Angels


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