Friday, January 14, 2005

:: Little Blue Room

How many times have you been at the brink of letting a tear roll down your face but then u take a deep breath, swallow and hold it in until the feeling goes away?..Then walk around faking a smile so that everyone may think you're ok.
How many times have you hid in your bathroom or bedroom or any corner you can find to let a couple of tears go?
How many times have you taken a shower just so that you can cry without anyone else noticing?

Every woman has what I like to call The Little Blue Room. This room is a place kept deep inside our hearts. It's the place we visit when we feel like crying but can't "physically" do it. Maybe because we're at work, or at home with the family, or walking down the street.
Because "most" women have the innate sense of motherhood, it is natural for us to take on certain responsibilities. We tend to make it our duty to make sure everything stays in order, and that everyone is satisfied and content. Then we can actually sit back and relax. But this is hardly the case; and its like this that we overwhelm ourselves and end up bottling up so many feelings and emotions that at some point it pours out over the edge of the glass .. And this is how we fall in the dark hole of depression.
We hold our tears, but what we don't realize is that crying can be a huge relief. We want to stay strong and stand tall, so we take a deep breath and hold the tears in; but it is unhealthy to keep it in when we feel like crying, we become sick .. even physically. We cannot allow this anymore. So please, when you feel like crying, don't hold back, let it out. And if you cannot physically cry at that moment, go to your blue room and leave your tears in there, until you can take at least 5 minutes to yourself to let those tears out. It's kind of like scheduling a time to cry. I know it sounds almost silly, but it is refreshing to the soul. Release the unwanted energy that shifts your being out of balance.
Look at it from this angle: A vase that holds the most beautiful flowers must have its water changed often, otherwise the water becomes dirty and smelly. Well, when we feel like crying is because we need to change our water.

I've come up with this inward meditation to help release the unwanted baggage of energy. After visiting this sacred inner place you will refresh it and leave it clean and free of emotional clutter.

Visit & Replenish The Little Blue Room

* Find a peaceful place. It could be anywhere in your home, inside or out. It could be a special spot at a favorite park, under a favorite tree, or anywhere that we wont feel the need to hold back any emotions.

* Ask the Divine Spirit to guide you and to help you connect with your inner feelings.

* Close your eyes and visualize yourself floating within the inner space of your being. Everything will seem dark at first. Focus and go deeper and deeper until you notice a small light in the distance. It will be like a star, twinkling for you, like signaling you, showing you where to go. As you get closer to it, you will notice a door, with a very bright blue-white light shining from inside. You have arrived. Now stretch your arm and "see your hand" reaching the door knob --keep in mind that the door can be whatever kind of door you like with the door knob of your preference. It can look like a gate, a fence or any type of door. It's your blue room, make it your way.
Enter the room while keeping the mental image of it being surrounded by the blue-white light. Feel the comfort of your room. In here you are yourself, purely and entirely. You keep no secrets from yourself, so feel free to just Be.
this room is for you to release your sadness and anguish and any negative emotion that you may be carrying. Find a comfortable spot in your room where you can sit or lay down; and place a mirror in front of you so that you can see your own reflection.
Look at yourself and tell yourself what bothers and troubles you. Don't be shy. Complaint, whine, nag and ask all the questions you wish to ask. Let all those thoughts and emotions you've been suppressing come out. Get angry, if that's how you feel. This is the time you've been waiting for. Let it all out. Cry. --at this point you might start crying in the physical body .. this is why you're here. This is the place where you can cry all that you want without having to hide.

* When you're done, hug yourself and tell yourself "thanks , you're going to be OK now.".

* At this point begin to "clean up". Open all the windows in your blue room and feel the cool breeze rush in, see the curtains float, as if caressing the breeze that comes in. Let the sunlight come in, cover the whole room with the healing bright light of the sun, feel the warmth on your skin. Physically, touch your arms as if you WERE PHYSICALLY there. Smile and begin to walk towards the door. Feel the sense of completeness, as if you had just completed a task or project, and say "I'm done". When you've reached the door, turn and look back at your room. Notice that the windows stay opened and the curtains are still playing with the wind. Breathe in the cool freshness and smiling remind yourself "yes, I'm going to be ok now".

* Open the door, and slowly open your eyes.

*Thank the Divine Spirit of God and thank yourself one more time.

-- I recommend that after trying this meditation, set up a date with yourself for that week and take yourself out. On your date allow yourself to be free of negative thoughts and put your mental "to-do list" aside. All of those things will get done later. Life will be right there when you're done. This is your time now.
Do something different from the ordinary. Step outside of the "frame of your routine". And make sure that whatever you do is going to make you laugh. And Have Fun!

In Peace Blessed Be.

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