--"By looking at the negative things in your life as being only temporary problems, you magnify the positive all around you."
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i came across the Faeries and Other Wee Folk site and read some interesting things about faeries ... good tips, do's and dont's to keep in mind if need to contact them.
These two artists are featured in this site, their work is very beautiful:
Shirley Bridler & Wendy Kathleen Fairy Art
If the fae ones wish to remain hidden from view, there is little humankind can do. Remember, when seeking the fae and all nature spirits, you should never wear iron. They despise it! And never whistle in the woods. It disrupts the natural aura of the place.
Probably the most well known place to find the Fee Ones is within a natural mushroom ring at sunset or full moonlight. Caution should be taken not to be caught unawares by the fae, especially during the full moon. That way lays madness.
It is said that a person can simply look through a stone with an opening, or a hole. This can be a natural hole or a self-bored stone. Naturally holely stones can be found near running water or by the sea.
Information found... "Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book"
Many trees are sacred and honored by the wee Ones. The elder tree is said to offer protection from the evil night spirits, and it is said to work for mortals as well.
Look in an oak grove. It is said, "Faerie Folks are in old oaks". It wasn't for naught that the druids set such store by oaks. They contain faerie magic! The fruit of the oak tree, acorns, can be made into faerie talismans if found and gathered by the light of the full moon.
Roses seem to attract the wee ones in a powerful way. If you wear rose oil when seeking the Fae Folk, they will be drawn to you despite their wish. A rose water preparation can be made to bathe in before doing any rite of the Faery Tradition (Wicca). It is traditionally made by taking 21 measures of rose petals and steeping them in a copper kettle with a lid. They should be left to soak for the space of full moon to full moon. This rose water can be used to scent the body and hair and as "holy water" in works of Faerie Magic.
♦Stones & Metals
As stated earlier, the wee ones despise iron and, in fact, it is said that metal can harm or even kill the fae. If you decide to try your hand at any type of faerie magic, make certain that all of your tools are made of copper, silver or woods that are sacred to faerie. Oak is probably the best to use. If gem stones are to be used, the most appropriate are faerie stones (staurorite), quartz crystal, rose quartz, moonstone, celestite (blue quartz), selenite, amethyst, labradorite, and amber. To guard against mischievious spirits, it is best to use flint.
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